With the exception of my six-pound Chihuahua, this has to be the best Christmas gift I ever got and believe me it was read front to cover in one sitting. Lifestyle expert
Susie Coleho has reached the pinnacle of wedding style with her book
, Style Your Dream Wedding. From the high quality paper and polished layout of this lovely coffee table book to first look inside, it's one visual surprise after another, thanks to some stellar photography. Susie guides us through the planning of your big day beginning with finding your a color palette and wedding style. She describes seven different style weddings: classic, beach, contemporary, country, garden (her favorite and mine), fanciful (your own spin) and exotic. A bonus to this book is not only a pull out booklet offering a color palette for each wedding style, there's a quiz booklet, dress silhouette accordion pullout, six 8-page
gatefolds full of photos, a CD of traditional wedding music, postcards, and, of course all that stunning photography.
I would have liked a lengthier section on fashion of course and more descriptions and detail about fabrics, silhouette, style, head chic and so on. However, the strong photography carries this book where words aren't necessary, leaving the bride open to getting in touch with her own muse. Using mostly real life brides and their weddings as examples in the photos, conveys reality at its finest. As you read along you'll realize, yes, with some coordination all this
is possible. For me
Style Your Dream Wedding will be a great reference tool and inspiration source for tons of upcoming posts. For you, it's a real gift for planning and realizing the most beautiful and unique wedding is indeed in the waiting. . . .