Top row from left:
photo by Eclectic Images, centerpiece by Nancy Liu Chin, yogurt berry popsicles via Dessert First, chandelier photo by Michele M. Waite via Married & More with Michelle
Row 2:
photo by Gentl & Hyers, signature cocktails from Soiree, photo from Nancy Liu Chin, cake by Ron Ben-Israel for InStyle Weddings
Row 3:
table from Martha Stewart Weddings, confetti packet photo by Our Labor of Love, photobooth save-the-date by Amber and Jimmy via Being Social, favor box from Rebecca Thuss
Row 4:
cake photo by Liz Banfield from Southern Accents, turquoise votives from Brides (photo by Dasha Wright), red peony nosegay by Ariella Chezar, invitation by BellaBliss Design